Our Halacha FAQs are published around auspicious times during the Jewish Year. These articles lay out the most commonly asked questions about a particular holiday or situation. In addition to being distributed in shuls and stores, all future articles will be published on this website as well.

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In loving memory of Ruth and Ralph S. Gindi

Halacha FAQs

Hanukah FAQ

5783-2022 Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi The misvah of menorah is an extremely beloved misvah (Rambam). All misvot, have a standard way of performance and an enhanced and...

Hanukah FAQ

5783-2022 Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi The misvah of menorah is an extremely beloved misvah (Rambam). All misvot, have a standard way of performance and an enhanced and...


5783-2023 Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi Perashat Zachor The mightiest demonstration of the exalted status of Am Yisrael, was when we were freed from slavery in Egypt (Mitzrayim)....


5783-2023 Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi Perashat Zachor The mightiest demonstration of the exalted status of Am Yisrael, was when we were freed from slavery in Egypt (Mitzrayim)....


5783-2023 Rabbi Moshe Arking – Ave. O Synagogue Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking – Ohr Halacha Edited by Rabbi Moshe Yagen; Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi – Ohr Halacha The days of counting...


5783-2023 Rabbi Moshe Arking – Ave. O Synagogue Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking – Ohr Halacha Edited by Rabbi Moshe Yagen; Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi – Ohr Halacha The days of counting...


BY RABBI HAYIM ASHER ARKING AND RABBI EZRA GHODSI Many have the custom to eat dairy on Shavuot. If one wants to make dairy bread, one should be cognizant of...


BY RABBI HAYIM ASHER ARKING AND RABBI EZRA GHODSI Many have the custom to eat dairy on Shavuot. If one wants to make dairy bread, one should be cognizant of...

Sukkot FAQ

Published 5782-2021 By:   Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi Before entering the sukkah, one should have in mind that Hashem commanded us to sit in the sukkah to...

Sukkot FAQ

Published 5782-2021 By:   Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi Before entering the sukkah, one should have in mind that Hashem commanded us to sit in the sukkah to...


Published - MID-WINTER 5783-2023 By: Rabbi Moshe Arking - Ave. O Synagogue Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking - Ohr Halacha Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi - Ohr Halacha PRAYER FOR TRAVEL - TEFILLAT HADERECH...


Published - MID-WINTER 5783-2023 By: Rabbi Moshe Arking - Ave. O Synagogue Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking - Ohr Halacha Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi - Ohr Halacha PRAYER FOR TRAVEL - TEFILLAT HADERECH...