Halacha Questions

For the variety of questions that come in; ranging from kashrut to general halacha questions, the Kollel serves as a source of knowledge and discussion to arrive at the proper Halachic ‘psak’ or decision in sync with our sacred traditions.

Many halachic questions may sometimes seem simple. However, when digging into the details, they require a depth of knowledge and clarity of the halacha.

At Ohr Halacha, we recently inaugurated our Halacha Hotline which gives access to community members to ask questions and receive answers from our own Rabbis.

There are a few ways to reach us:

  • Call: 732-359-3080. There are Rabbis available to answer every afternoon between 2 p.m. - 7 p.m.
  • Text: 732-359-3080. We will reply in a timely manner.
  • Drop a question in the box below and we will respond via email.


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