Our Halacha FAQs are published around auspicious times during the Jewish Year. These articles lay out the most commonly asked questions about a particular holiday or situation. In addition to being distributed in shuls and stores, all future articles will be published on this website as well.

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In loving memory of Ruth and Ralph S. Gindi

Halacha FAQs

Tu B'Shevat FAQs + Shehehianu FAQs - 5785

Tu B'Shevat FAQs + Shehehianu FAQs - 5785

Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi  Ezra Ghodsi What is the significance of Tu B’Shevat? Each year features four distinct occasions that mark the beginning of a specific New Year, meaning...

Tu B'Shevat FAQs + Shehehianu FAQs - 5785

Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi  Ezra Ghodsi What is the significance of Tu B’Shevat? Each year features four distinct occasions that mark the beginning of a specific New Year, meaning...

Shiva Asar B'Tamuz FAQs

Prepared By: Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking – Ohr Halacha Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi – Ohr Halacha The fast of Shiva Asar (17th) B’Tamuz, commences the three-week mourning period known as Bein...

Shiva Asar B'Tamuz FAQs

Prepared By: Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking – Ohr Halacha Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi – Ohr Halacha The fast of Shiva Asar (17th) B’Tamuz, commences the three-week mourning period known as Bein...