Empowering the Jersey Shore Community

Ohr Of The Shore is a community organization providing critical infrastructure and access to resources that our community needs.

Kollel, Halacha FAQs, Kosher chats, Mezuzot and Tefillin, Shaatnez checking, Brit Milah, Publications and more.

Halacha FAQs

Dedicated In loving memory of Ruth and Ralph S. Gindi

Our Halacha Center Provides Timely Halacha FAQs, a great resource to bring halacha to be clear and accessible to every member of our community. 

Visit Halacha FAQs Archive


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Levy Family
Sofer Center

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Tefillin and Sifre Torah and get your checked

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Learn More About Ohr Of The Shore

Discover the beating heart behind the wealth of halachic expertise and kashrut services in our community 

Discover Our Work

The Engine Behind It All

The Ohr Halacha Kollel is the engine behind the seemingly effortless explosion in quantity and quality of kashrut in our community as well as many other resources and publications. Young rabbis being trained daily on the specifics of halacha as it pertains to the practical questions needed to ensure that foundational halachot can be put into practice for the good of our community.

Our Sofer Services

Ensure the sanctity of your home with our meticulous writing and checking of mezuzot and teffilin.

Services We Provide


Ohr Of The Shore provides many free resources to our community, like Halacha FAQs, chats, and hotlines. Click below to explore.

Explore Resources
  • Yom Kippur FAQs

    Do we have to eat bread on Erev Yom Kippur? There is a mitsvah to eat on erev Yom Kippur. HaShem, as a loving father, gave us the mitsvah to...

    Yom Kippur FAQs

    Do we have to eat bread on Erev Yom Kippur? There is a mitsvah to eat on erev Yom Kippur. HaShem, as a loving father, gave us the mitsvah to...

  • Simanim FAQs

    Our meals on the nights of Rosh Hashanah, are enhanced with specific foods that represent their respective good qualities. Because the beginning is so potent and ominous to forbearing, we...

    Simanim FAQs

    Our meals on the nights of Rosh Hashanah, are enhanced with specific foods that represent their respective good qualities. Because the beginning is so potent and ominous to forbearing, we...

  • High Holiday FAQs - 5785

    יֶרַח הָאֵתָנִים - The Powerful MonthRosh Hashana through Sukkot FAQs The month of Tishre is a powerful time to grow and connect with Hashem.  Ohr of The Shore presents a...

    High Holiday FAQs - 5785

    יֶרַח הָאֵתָנִים - The Powerful MonthRosh Hashana through Sukkot FAQs The month of Tishre is a powerful time to grow and connect with Hashem.  Ohr of The Shore presents a...

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