Our Halacha FAQs are published around auspicious times during the Jewish Year. These articles lay out the most commonly asked questions about a particular holiday or situation. In addition to being distributed in shuls and stores, all future articles will be published on this website as well.

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In loving memory of Ruth and Ralph S. Gindi

Halacha FAQs

FAQs – Taanit Esther 5785

FAQs – Taanit Esther 5785

Prepared By;Rabbi Hayim Asher ArkingRabbi Ezra Ghodsi Note: The following halachot apply only to Taanit Esther and other fast days, however, not to Tisha B’av or Yom Kippur. Why do...

FAQs – Taanit Esther 5785

Prepared By;Rabbi Hayim Asher ArkingRabbi Ezra Ghodsi Note: The following halachot apply only to Taanit Esther and other fast days, however, not to Tisha B’av or Yom Kippur. Why do...

Travel FAQs  Mid-Winter  5785 - 2025

Travel FAQs Mid-Winter 5785 - 2025

Prepared by: Rabbi Moshe Arking ― Ave. O Synagogue  Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking ― Ohr Halacha Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi – Ohr Halacha Published By: Ohr Halacha   Prayer for Travel...

Travel FAQs Mid-Winter 5785 - 2025

Prepared by: Rabbi Moshe Arking ― Ave. O Synagogue  Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking ― Ohr Halacha Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi – Ohr Halacha Published By: Ohr Halacha   Prayer for Travel...

Yom Kippur FAQs

Do we have to eat bread on Erev Yom Kippur? There is a mitsvah to eat on erev Yom Kippur. HaShem, as a loving father, gave us the mitsvah to...

Yom Kippur FAQs

Do we have to eat bread on Erev Yom Kippur? There is a mitsvah to eat on erev Yom Kippur. HaShem, as a loving father, gave us the mitsvah to...

Simanim FAQs

Our meals on the nights of Rosh Hashanah, are enhanced with specific foods that represent their respective good qualities. Because the beginning is so potent and ominous to forbearing, we...

Simanim FAQs

Our meals on the nights of Rosh Hashanah, are enhanced with specific foods that represent their respective good qualities. Because the beginning is so potent and ominous to forbearing, we...

High Holiday FAQs - 5785

יֶרַח הָאֵתָנִים - The Powerful MonthRosh Hashana through Sukkot FAQs The month of Tishre is a powerful time to grow and connect with Hashem.  Ohr of The Shore presents a...

High Holiday FAQs - 5785

יֶרַח הָאֵתָנִים - The Powerful MonthRosh Hashana through Sukkot FAQs The month of Tishre is a powerful time to grow and connect with Hashem.  Ohr of The Shore presents a...

Tisha B’Av FAQs – 5784

Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi The gradual entry to the most reflective day in our history starts with the Fast of Tamuz and the weeks that follow; then...

Tisha B’Av FAQs – 5784

Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi The gradual entry to the most reflective day in our history starts with the Fast of Tamuz and the weeks that follow; then...