Our Halacha FAQs are published around auspicious times during the Jewish Year. These articles lay out the most commonly asked questions about a particular holiday or situation. In addition to being distributed in shuls and stores, all future articles will be published on this website as well.
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In loving memory of Ruth and Ralph S. Gindi
Halacha FAQs

FAQs – Taanit Esther 5784
Written by: Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi Note: The following halachot apply only to Taanit Esther and other fast days, however, not to Tisha B’av or Yom Kippur....
FAQs – Taanit Esther 5784
Written by: Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi Note: The following halachot apply only to Taanit Esther and other fast days, however, not to Tisha B’av or Yom Kippur....

Shehehianu FAQ
What fruits require a shehehianu? One can only recite shehehianu on produce which is seasonal and therefore not available year-round. Nowadays, many fruits which are seasonal are still readily available...
Shehehianu FAQ
What fruits require a shehehianu? One can only recite shehehianu on produce which is seasonal and therefore not available year-round. Nowadays, many fruits which are seasonal are still readily available...

FAQs – Asarah B’tevet
Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi Note: The following Halachot apply only to Asarah B’tevet and similar fast days, not to Tisha B’av or Yom Kippur. Why do we...
FAQs – Asarah B’tevet
Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi Note: The following Halachot apply only to Asarah B’tevet and similar fast days, not to Tisha B’av or Yom Kippur. Why do we...

FAQs – Halachot of Doughnuts
Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi Many have the custom of eating foods fried in oil on Hanukah. This reminds us of the miracle which happened through oil...
FAQs – Halachot of Doughnuts
Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi Many have the custom of eating foods fried in oil on Hanukah. This reminds us of the miracle which happened through oil...

Hallah FAQs 5784
בס"ד Hallah FAQs 5784 Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi When fulfilling the misvah of hallah, it is an auspicious time to pray and ask Hashem for one’s wishes....
Hallah FAQs 5784
בס"ד Hallah FAQs 5784 Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi When fulfilling the misvah of hallah, it is an auspicious time to pray and ask Hashem for one’s wishes....

KADDISH FAQs - 5784/2023
In memory of our dear brothers, sisters, elders, and youngsters who perished in the recent massacre. KADDISH FAQs - 5784/2023 by: Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi ...
KADDISH FAQs - 5784/2023
In memory of our dear brothers, sisters, elders, and youngsters who perished in the recent massacre. KADDISH FAQs - 5784/2023 by: Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi ...