About Ohr Of The Shore

A Critical Community Organization

Providing Critical Infrastructure For The Jersey Shore Community

If you are a member of the Jersey Shore community, you probably don't realize it, but you benefit daily from the work of the Ohr of The Shore and Ohr Halacha kollel.

It's easy to take for granted the stunning array of options the Jersey Shore offers to the kosher consumer, without recognizing the tremendous effort needed to bring the kashrut level up to the standards required by halacha.

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What makes Ohr of The Shore and Ohr Halacha unique?

The Ohr Halacha Kollel is one of a kind in it's focus and outcomes. No other institution provides a path directly from learning to practice as clearly as Ohr Halacha.

Under the leadership of Rabbi Hayim Arking and Rabbi Binyamin Seruya, the kollel focuses its learning on questions coming up in every day life, on chats, in conversations, in live examples in a restaurant or home.

The rabbis in the kollel are capable of dissecting an issue with all its angles and coming up with the correct halachic answer, which requires a deep and extensive background in the material.

Instant Halacha Chat

Our rabbis are available during business hours to answer questions from the community. If you are in the need of halacha assistance, click here to start a chat and get an answer within a few hours.

Ask A Question Now

Halacha FAQs

Our Kollel is also active in publishing material that will bring relevant halacha to the layman in an easy and appealing way. Many members of our community enjoy our timely Halacha FAQs, which can be viewed below:

  • FAQs – Taanit Esther 5784

    FAQs – Taanit Esther 5784

    Written by: Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi Note: The following halachot apply only to Taanit Esther and other fast days, however, not to Tisha B’av or Yom Kippur....

    FAQs – Taanit Esther 5784

    Written by: Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi Note: The following halachot apply only to Taanit Esther and other fast days, however, not to Tisha B’av or Yom Kippur....

  • Shehehianu FAQ

    Shehehianu FAQ

    What fruits require a shehehianu? One can only recite shehehianu on produce which is seasonal and therefore not available year-round. Nowadays, many fruits which are seasonal are still readily available...

    Shehehianu FAQ

    What fruits require a shehehianu? One can only recite shehehianu on produce which is seasonal and therefore not available year-round. Nowadays, many fruits which are seasonal are still readily available...

  • FAQs – Asarah B’tevet

    FAQs – Asarah B’tevet

    Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi   Note: The following Halachot apply only to Asarah B’tevet and other fast days, however, not to Tisha B’av or Yom Kippur.  ...

    FAQs – Asarah B’tevet

    Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi   Note: The following Halachot apply only to Asarah B’tevet and other fast days, however, not to Tisha B’av or Yom Kippur.  ...

  • FAQs – Halachot of Doughnuts

    FAQs – Halachot of Doughnuts

    Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi   Many have the custom of eating foods fried in oil on Hanukah. This reminds us of the miracle which happened through oil...

    FAQs – Halachot of Doughnuts

    Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi   Many have the custom of eating foods fried in oil on Hanukah. This reminds us of the miracle which happened through oil...

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Sofer Center

In additional to becoming kashrut experts, the kollel trains rabbis to become sofrim (writers of religious documents, such as mezuzot, tefillin, and sifre torah). This fills a vital and ever growing need to provide the community with the mezuzot and tefillin that are required every day. These items are available for this website at our sofer center. [Click Here]

We Need Your Support

To keep our Kollel functioning, our budget is over $30,000 per month. As a supporter of this vital organization, you would be partnering in thousands of merits that occur every time someone is helped by one of our rabbis, which happens many times every day.